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Archive | Excellence

Habits of Happiness

Habits of Happiness

NO ONE can really be happy in any area of their life, nor be considered a success if they do not exercise integrity, if they do not consistently demonstrate excellence, and if they do not  …continues

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Excellence is not a relative term; you have NO CHOICE but to view it as the standard by which you must judge EVERYTHING you do. And, once you get serious about holding yourself to the  …continues

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Oozing Excellence

Excellence begins as a decision — one where you look at your life, business, and relationships and decide that everything you touch is going to better, that the example you set is going to be inspiring  …continues

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Excellence is a Choice

“A man’s reach,” wrote Robert Browning, “must exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for?” This reaching, this searching for something better, for the realization   …continues

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A Steaming Pile of Nonsense

There’s a very popular book series that has enjoyed a long life on the best seller list titled, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff. It offers a philosophy that is immensely popular, but  …continues

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