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The Q2 Effect

The Q2 Effect

As you are confronted with the reality that the first quarter of the year is just about history…I offer the following as an ideal way to reflect on your YTD performance and how to plan for massive abundance in the second quarter.Here we go… Q2 is both shorthand for the second quarter of the year […]

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Are You Worthy?

Are You Worthy?

Are YOU the kind of person that others want to follow? If everyone modeled YOUR behavior and values…would the world be a better place? Why should anyone be compelled to trust what you say and follow YOUR lead? Let’s face it, leadership is everybody’s business…it’s an issue that affects each and every one of us. Not only do […]

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Keep It Simple

Keep It Simple

ONE THING we all have in common is the need for more, better and faster results. And that’s where the problem starts… The fact is… its hard (and getting harder) to be efficient, to maintain peak levels of productivity and to remain focused. But why? Is there a conspiracy going on, are people really out […]

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LeBron James Does Not Do Laundry

LeBron James Does Not Do Laundry

FOCUS IS A LANGUAGE that speaks simply and eloquently to the fundamental human similarity between people. Why? Because everyone struggles with it. That’s precisely why I want to share with you a simple, profound and counter-intuitive strategy that highlights the connection between focus, core strengths and greatness. This one’s a keeper so read carefully and reflect […]

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How to Change the World

How to Change the World

“Always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question” – e.e. cummings. A question can be considered beautiful for any number of reasons, however I prefer to focus on beautiful questions that are ambitious, adaptable and actionable. Here’s my beautiful question…and if you’ll indulge me on this idea, your life will be better…and I […]

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Abandonment Issues

Abandonment Issues

AS WE MOVE THROUGH LIFE we accumulate things…dreams, fantasies, habits, people, projects…stuff. We often think about what else we would like to add to our life, but rarely think about what we should let go…relinquish and say goodbye to. As a society, we’ve already given up on carrier pigeons, Morse code, drive-in movies, abacus, typewriters, […]

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Time is Running Out

Time is Running Out

Let’s skip the formalities and cut to the chase… Time is running out. We’re all playing a high stakes game of one and done. You have exactly one life in which to do everything you’ll ever do. Where’s the sense of urgency? The real trouble is that you think you have time…you don’t. Parents, your […]

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How to Redeem Yourself

The Need for Consequences

Here’s a little tip from the vault…if there are no consequences, people will behave badly…they will make poor choices…they will cause harm to themselves and others. Don’t let big banks get bailouts, because if we do, bankers will take bigger risks. And that’s exactly what they’re doing. So, make sure that the dentist is expensive […]

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How to Redeem Yourself

How to Redeem Yourself

HOW’S IT GOING? I mean this year so far? Accomplishing what you thought you would in the first quarter? On the path of amazing achievement? Or is it a repeat of last year? You and I both know that no matter how good or bad your results have been…you can always do better…much better! Unfortunately, […]

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Immensely Proud

Immensely Proud

“If you’re not proud, you’re not done.” – Gary Ryan Blair Is Pride a Virtue or a Vice? Like most things in life…it depends on the context in which it is used, so let’s have a look. Pride is an inwardly directed emotion that carries two antithetical meanings. With a negative vice connotation, pride refers to a […]

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