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Zero Defects

Why is it important to do things right the first time? To get to the answer, I’d like to introduce you to the real secret of success: Choose Your Suffering!   …continues

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Moving the Needle

Sometimes we can become dulled to words like goals, objectives or priorities, and something as simple as changing the language you use can make all the difference in the world. Heck, it worked for   …continues

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Knock Knock

The knock-knock joke is perhaps the best-known format of a joke, the first one most of us have ever learned, and for the purpose of this lesson…it provides us with a brilliant example of   …continues

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Never Too Late

It’s Never Too Late

Dreams deferred are dreams that die — a process that can take the dreamer along with them. The good news is that it’s never too late to revisit, and relive, one’s deepest desires.   …continues

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Situational Ethics

Situational Ethics

There is no room for “situational ethics” in business or in any area of your life for that matter. Something is either ethical or it isn’t. The situation does not matter.   …continues

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Never Lose Hope…

WE’VE ALL HEARD the phrase “Hope is not a strategy” — and it isn’t, especially when based on illusion, delusion, fiction or false assumptions. However, hope IS a critical part of achieving  …continues

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