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IF. . . is a wonderful question and answer game that focuses on both reflection and imagination. If related questions provide for a time of reflection on lessons learned, victories gained, and  …continues

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The Discipline of Self-Discipline

Search wherever you will for a single sound argument against the discipline of self-discipline, and you will not find it, nor will you find a single instance of enduring success which was not attained in  …continues

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Action Planning

Strategic Action Planning then is a method used to ensure that you are utilizing your time and activities in a way that will return the greatest amount of energy, or life experience.   …continues

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Act As If Success is Inevitable

You’ve no doubt heard these three words before, maybe even took a crack at applying this strategy in your life. But have you ever really taken the time to ask, “what exactly does it mean to “act as if?”   …continues

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Don’t Quit

To achieve any goal, you must choose the suffering that’s right for you, you must accept that reality, you must embrace that truth, and then you must live with it every day of your life. The moment you  …continues

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Find Your Greatness

You can’t lose 25 pounds before you lose five. You can’t run a marathon before you run a mile. You can’t achieve your goals and become great at anything before you choose to become great.   …continues

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