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The Purpose of Life

If you’ve ever struggled with finding your purpose and reason for being, than you’re absolutely going to love what I have to share with you.

The fact is, every person ever born, and everything ever created has a definite purpose.

There’s also SPECIFIC reason as to why you exist, and it’s your life’s responsibility to find and unleash it on the world.

Consider all the components of your body…

Your eyes have a purpose so that you can see.

Your nose has a purpose so that you can smell.

Your fingers have a purpose so that you can touch.

Your ears have a purpose so that you can hear.

Your voice box has a purpose so that you can speak.

Your feet have a purpose so that you can walk.

Your lungs have a purpose so that you can breathe.

Your heart has a purpose so that every aspect of your body can be purposeful.

AND…if all of the components of your body have been created for a VERY DEFINITE PURPOSE, don’t you think that YOU were as well?


What’s you’re purpose?

Why do you exist?

What big impression on the world are you here to make?

If you’d like help identifying your purpose, use this Life Planning program and let me show you how to connect all the dots. Use this code freedom25 to save $25 on your investment.

You will only be truly happy when you follow your purpose, so make it your purpose to find your purpose.

Everything Counts!

Gary Ryan Blair

P.S. If you need some one-on-one assistance creating your life plan, you might want to schedule some coaching. Get all the details here.

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