Every day, month, quarter and year presents you with an identical question…
Are you going to finish strong or not?
It’s your call to make.
Every day. Every month. Every quarter. Every year.
Now that the 4th and final quarter of the year has arrived…
You must decide if you’re going to grind it out and finish strong…
Or, if you’re going to mail it in and coast to a weak finish.
The commitment required to finish strong is both mentally and physically demanding.
Finishing strong thins the herd, and separates the great from the merely good.
The temptation to settle for good enough is often too appealing for most to resist.
That’s the critical difference between professionals and amateurs.
Professionals never coast.
Professionals end on empty.
Professionals leave nothing behind.
Professionals always finish strong.
Everything Counts!
Gary Ryan Blair
P.S. If you’re a professional and want to crush your 4th quarter goals…I created the 100 Day Challenge with you in mind.
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