You begin 2017 in 6 days.
If you want to make it the best year of your life…
Implement this little trick that screenwriters use…
Work backwards.
Begin at the finish.
Know how you want it to end.
Solve the climax first.
Figure out where you want to go; then work backwards from there.
A few examples might be good right about now.
If you’re opening a restaurant, BEGIN WITH THE EXPERIENCE you want the diner to have when she walks in and enjoys a meal.
If you’re preparing for a speech, DETERMINE THE KEY ACTIONS you want the audience to take before you begin to script your presentation.
Your begin 2017 in 6 days.
If you want to make it the best year of your life…
Spend the next 6 days writing the screenplay.
Know how you want it to end.
You get to write, direct and star in your own movie.
It’s your life, therefore it’s your responsibility to solve the climax first.
Your begin 2017 in 6 days.
If you want to make it the best year of your life…
Choose to become the hero of your story.
Spend the next 6 days focused on turning your life into an action movie.
Create a plot (big challenging goals) dripping with excitement, boldness, audacity, courage, big thinking, great challenges and massive accomplishments.
It’s only when you become your own hero, when you can stand on your own two feet, when you confront fear and overcome obstacles…and save yourself that are you complete, prepared and ready to unleash your greatness.
And unleashing your greatness is what the 100 Day Challenge is all about.
In just 6 days, you’ll be introduced to the world’s best execution framework for fast tracking your goals, becoming your own hero and for making 2017 the best year of your life.
To that end, here’s a few resources which you can use to solve the climax first and determine in advance how you are going to make this a blockbuster year
Start Right: Your Game Plan for the First 100 Days of 2017
New Year. New Goals. Planning Form
Everything Counts!
Gary Ryan Blair
P.S. If you really want to do great stuff in 2017, you can’t let yourself think or play small…you’ve got to swing for the fences. That’s why I want you to download or listen to this new manifesto titled: LIVE LARGE.
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