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The Purpose of Perfection

What is the purpose of perfection?

Perfection is a flawless performance metric by which any company, person, project or idea can benchmark itself against.

Despite the unrealistic assumption of perfection and our quest for it, standards of perfection serve as useful models for measuring performance.

They help gain important insights into progress, failure, personal growth and disappointment.

Here’s how it works…

In the perfection model, plan or execution strategy…everything works 100% of the time and in just the right way.

Perfection hits all deadlines.

Perfection is always within budget.

Perfection crosses all T’s and dots’ all i’s.

Perfection does everything right the first time.

Perfection recycles everything and has zero waste.

Perfection wins every race, game and competition.

Perfection means no server crashes, no dropped calls, and no data entry mistakes.

Perfection is absent of typo’s and errors in grammar.

Perfection hits a home run every time it steps up to the plate.

Perfection throws nothing but strikes.

Perfection always displays impeccable manners and civility.

Perfection has six pack abs, and a multiple seven figure portfolio.

Perfection never misses a sales quota and hits all performance targets.

Perfect always shows up on time, fully prepared, and never takes a day off.

Perfection has all the players on the team making all the right moves and generating all the right results.

In the perfection model…all resources are mobile.

Everyone is armed with the same information.

Everyone is a rational decision-maker, making perfect choices.

Everyone is a mature, committed, loyal professional.

Everything is absolutely perfect.

In such a model, no one is ever guilty of making a wrong move.

No one wastes valuable resources pursuing unachievable objectives.

Nothing goes wrong as excuses and mistakes have been removed from the entire chain of communication.

You are always right, every time.

Powered by perfection, the emphasis is on outcomes and all of them are perfect.

In reality, because of limits, mistakes, oversights, and the inconsistent nature of people and organizations, failures and breakdowns are endemic to even the most dynamic individuals, businesses, families, or teams.

While perfection does not exist…it exposes opportunity.

It provides feedback for improvement and spotlights the gaps in the quality of our current efforts and results.

Any negative assumption regarding perfection stands at odds with the most fundamental premise of perfection: while perfection is not achievable, the pursuit of perfection is the ONLY thing capable of creating quality products and services.

That is the purpose of perfection, and perfection is another reason why…

Everything Counts!

Gary Ryan Blair

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