We’re all playing a high stakes game of one and done…as you have exactly one life in which to do everything you’ll ever do.
Therefore, it’s in your best interest to get serious and focus on leveraging these first 100 days of 2017.
Allow me to explain why as this message IS your wake up call.
These first 100 days of 2017 will have little value to you from a productivity standpoint, if you do not deliberately pounce on them with the intent to set a pace…and actively work to make this your best year ever.
In a very real sense, this is a use it or lose it proposition.
With that in mind…I have a few questions for you.
When would be a good time to implement a new idea or project?
An idea that could very well change your life for the better?
Well, that’s a simple answer, isn’t it?
IT’S RIGHT NOW.. you do it today!
If you want to increase your sales and be more profitable, when would be a good time to start calling more customers?
How about next month? Next quarter or next year?
Well, you and I both know that’ll never work.
You need to start today.. RIGHT NOW – that’s when you need to start calling more people.
If you’re broke and deeply in debt…when would be a great time to change from being a spender to a saver?
After you file for bankruptcy?
After you lose your house?
After your self-respect no longer exists?
Of course not, you start RIGHT NOW, this instant.
If you’re overweight, uncomfortable, self-conscious and out of breath from simply walking up a flight of stairs…when would be a good to lose some weight and get in shape?
Should you wait until a heart attack comes?
That’s not the answer, you want to get down to the gym today …RIGHT NOW!
AND, IF YOU HAVE a few have a big ambitious goals that are begging for your attention…when should you pursue them?
When the time is right?
When it’s a full moon?
When hell freezes over?
The answer is RIGHT NOW.. you do it today!
As mentioned, we’re all playing a high-stakes game of one and done.
The New Year has just begun and if you want to learn how to get more accomplished in the first one days of 2017 than most do over the course of ten years…sign up for the 100 Day Challenge…RIGHT NOW.
If you have something you’ve dreamed about doing and don’t want to wait long to make it happen…I created the 100 Day Challenge with you in mind.
Shall we dance?
Gary Ryan Blair
P.S. The 100 Day Challenge comes with a full 30-day money back guarantee…so if after applying the strategies for 30 days you are not seeing some radical results…I’ll give you back every penny.
GROUP RATES? Yes, I’ve got you covered. If you have a group of 10 + who you want to get in on a piece of this action, click here and I’ll send you all the details.
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