Let’s face it…
We’re all playing a high stakes game of one and done.
You have exactly one life in which to do everything you’ll ever do.
The problem is you think you have time.
You don’t.
For all the things you might want to experience in life…
Time is running out.
You never know when the last grain of sand will fall through the middle of your own life’s hourglass.
Time is running out for you to become the person you’ve always wanted to be.
To make the difference you seek to make.
To produce the work you know you’re capable of.
Where’s the urgency?
Your time will pass much sooner than you think…
And you’ll be dead a lot longer than you’ll be alive.
Parents…your children are growing up quickly.
Bonus: Here’s a Great Way to Achieve Goals Fast!
You need to be in a hurry to teach them…to shape their character and to ensure self-reliance.
Entrepreneurs…you need to be in a hurry to add greater value, to dazzle and amaze.
You need to be in a hurry to create work that people would miss if it and you were gone.
Teachers…you need to be in a hurry to captivate attention and to instill a love of learning in your students.
You need to hustle and turn your students into informed and educated leaders of tomorrow.
Leaders…you need to be in a hurry to share a bold, empowering vision that inspires people to take action.
You need to quickly raise standards, set an example worth following and on fire to drive results.
Make no mistake about it…
Time is running out.
That’s why we all we need to be in a hurry to…
Face our fears.
Develop courage.
Share our bravest work.
Commit to excellence.
Get in shape.
Get out of debt…and enjoy financially freedom.
Shed high-maintenance relationships.
And in a hurry to dare mighty things.
The world needs you…all of you.
We need the courageous you.
The bold, ambitious, fearless and unstoppable you.
Life’s short and it’s up to you to make it sweet.
It’s time to step it…get busy…and start hustling.
It’s time to set some, big challenging goals.
It’s time to make some check marks on that bucket list.
Make it the very next thing you do.
Gary Ryan Blair is creator of the 100 Day Challenge…a radical approach to goal achievement that shows people how to accelerate their results, achieve 10X size goals and transform every area of their life and career — FAST.
Click here to take the free 5-part Achieve. Goals. Fast. email course!
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