WILLPOWER IS YOUR SUPERPOWER…it is an undeniable declaration that you are going to succeed…it is the ability to give yourself a command and than to enforce that command.
There is no command as great nor any words as powerful as the words “I WILL.”
There is strength, conviction, depth, solidarity, decision, focus, confidence, and sheer determination in the loud, ringing tone which punctuates their delivery.
The words “I WILL” send an advance message to your mind and to those within earshot.
It’s a message of triumph over adversity, of victory in the face of great resistance, of the strength, will, and personal constitution to PERSEVERE UNTIL THE END.
I will change my life.
I will lose this weight and get in excellent physical shape.
I will be financially independent and debt-free.
I will set the right example and raise excellent kids.
I will get through this better, stronger and smarter.
I will not be defined by this.
I will turn this around.
I will succeed…I will not be denied victory.
In the absence of willpower…without the ongoing enforcement of will, the most complete collection of talents, the best education money can buy and the most honorable intentions in the world are wholly worthless.
Deep down, every human being knows that he is playing a high-stakes game of one and done, and that no freak occurrence will provide a second swing at the bat, a mulligan, a do-over. He knows it, but hides it like a bad conscience. Why?
What is it that compels people to be fearful, to avoid conflict, to give up on their dreams, surrender to the slightest resistance, suck their thumbs, and look for someone or something to blame RATHER than enforce their will?
For the vast majority of people…it is the result of character deformities and defects.
The desire for safety…the inclination to play it safe and remain in the comfort is a telltale sign of weakness…a gross ugly character flaw.
The fact is…you are given certain tests and temptations, hoops to jump through, bars to jump over and obstacles to bulldoze through to demonstrate how badly you want it.
Your response to any resistance force reveals the strength and determination of your character or exposes your character weaknesses…and precisely because behavior never lies, it’s easy to spot those who found a convenient excuse and those who found a way to confront, overcome and carry on.
These types of people know that great heart will not be denied, and that there is no such thing as great talent and great results without great willpower.
Here’s to a great week, one where you enforce your will over any resistance force, and reinforce your understanding that…
Gary Ryan Blair
P.S. If you passionately believe in your goals and committed to seeing it through to the end, it is your right and responsibility to enforce your will over the world. I created the 100 Day Challenge to show you how.
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