Since we are all playing a high stakes game of one and done…
I’ve got an important question for you to consider as it relates to the quality of your life, relationships, reputation and legacy.
Ready? Let’s go.
If you’re not committed to living a life of EXCELLENCE, then what on earth are you committed to?
Mediocrity. Doing as little as possible?
No reply needed. Behavior never lies. Intentions are meaningless. All we have to do is look at your results.
Your commitment to whatever quality standard you deem important to follow, reinforce and display is one that requires rigorous examination.
My goal in creating the 100 Day Challenge is to provide you with proven, actionable strategies for living a rich and robust quality life…one steeped in the principles of excellence.
Why should you choose excellence? Because excellence extols, advocates, and champions every best practice and noble virtue known to mankind.
While the system or environment you find yourself in might push you to become mediocre, to settle for a lower standard…the best option is to always choose excellence.
Excellence begins as a decision—one where you look at your life, business, and relationships and decide that everything you touch is going to be better, that the example you set is going to be inspiring, that the performance bar is going to be raised higher, and that the legacy you leave will be memorable and significant.
Excellence is not a situational value…and to live a rich and robust quality of life, excellence must become the standard by which you manage and measure everything you do.
Therefore to live a life of excellence…
Surround yourself with excellent people.
Deliver excellent customer service.
Engage in excellent conversation.
Get in excellent physical shape.
Go on excellent vacations.
Drive excellent cars.
Drink excellent coffee.
Wear excellent clothing.
Enjoy excellent wine.
Smoke excellent cigars.
Indulge in excellent cologne.
Buy excellent jewelry.
Sleep on an excellent mattress.
Create excellent projects.
Become an excellent leader.
Be an excellent parent.
Raise excellent children.
Display excellent manners.
Think excellent thoughts.
Listen to excellent music.
Use excellent words.
Set an excellent example.
Participate in excellent programs.
Allow yourself to imagine what life would be like in just 100 days if you practiced this idea in every area of your life.
Would you be better? Would you dramatically improve the quality of your life and relationships? You bet your sweet bottom you would.
This is the only life you’ve got…make it an excellent one.
Everything Counts!
Gary Ryan Blair
P.S. To begin 2017 in the most excellent way possible…implement this winning plan.
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