It’s amazing to think that in just a minute from now, you’re entire perspective on what you talk about is going to change.
You’re about to learn an important insight, one that can and will make an immediate impact on the quality of your life and bottom-line results.
here it is…
You are where you are as a result of the conversations that have taken place in the past…the decisions that came from those conversations… and the actions or reactions that occurred because of those decisions.
So here’s a simple question:
If those conversations (with yourself and others) had been of a much HIGHER QUALITY, would you be in a better or worse position today?
And your answer is?
Better or Worse?
Over the years, I’ve asked this question several hundred times, and the universal reply is ALWAYS the same…BETTER OF COURSE!
The takeaway from this question is that if you want to improve the quality of your life, relationships and results, then begin by raising the QUALITY of your conversations.
Right about now, you may be wondering if I’ve been sniffing glue….
Not since building model airplanes with the kids a few years ago, but I promise you that…improving your conversations WILL bring about improved performance in every area of your life–quickly.
An improved dialogue with yourself and others initiates conversations about….
…things that need improving.
…opportunities for growth.
…the impact of your attitude.
…the importance of inspiring excellence.
…stepping up your performance.
…areas that require greater attention.
…transparency and honesty.
…problems in need of solutions.
…issues you are pretending don’t exist.
…legacy, succession, and future interests.
…why you do or do not fulfill responsibilities.
…love, intimacy, and forgiveness…
The how is the fun part, as improving the quality of your conversations, begins by ASKING BETTER QUESTIONS?
And asking better questions begins with the person staring back at you in the mirror.
Allow your mind to inhabit and become saturated with the answer to these questions…
1. What BIG, BOLD and BEAUTIFUL initiative are your going to pursue this week?
2. How are you going to make the world a better place through your actions?
3. What is it going to take to make today a MASTERPIECE?
Everything Counts…even the questions you ask!
WHAT TO DO NOW? Focus on the quality of all your dialog and let me know how this post moved you to take action.
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